EKECK Soul Adventure

ECK Soul Adventure Events

9:30 - 10:30 am

June 9
Creative Problem Solving

August 11 Fulfill Your God Given Potential

Via Zoom!


9:30 am

June 9Creative Problem Solving–Access the treasure of Soul perceptions

August 11Fulfill Your God Given Potential–Tools, techniques, and perspectives for spiritual growth

We are hosting in spiritual discussions online to explore these very questions. Many of us have felt a sense of "coming home again," of connecting to others who have had similar spiritual experiences. Come talk with others who understand and learn about valuable tools to enhance your life and explore your inner world.

You are welcome to share your spiritual experiences and explorations, or simply listen in on the discussions. Spiritual explorers from all skill levels or religions inclinations are welcome. These is never a cost for participating in our community conversations, just come and enjoy!

If you would like to attend this online event, email:

Seeker 'at' eckalaska.org

Copy or write in the subject line "ECK Soul Adventure Events Discussions." Please note this process can take up to 48 hours for you to receive an email with the Zoom link for the event.

To find out more information or to read more, you may follow this link to the Anchorage meetup page: 



www.meetup.com/Eckankar in Homer

We look forward to chatting with you and thank you for your interest!

  The Alaska Satsang Society, a chartered affiliate of Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, offers the above events as a FREE public service.

last modified June 03, 2024, by CAH